@capital8, a Parisian business centre with contemporary architecture, used the Quai 36 art production house to decorate the sarcophagus, located in the heart of the courtyard. The work of the Italian artist @francesca_pasquali offers residents and visitors a unique immersive and sensory experience. In “Sempreverde” the artist works PVC in the form of long shiny and silky filaments. An amazing and bewitching way to divert material and echo the CSR commitment of the site and the surrounding vegetation.

Within his artistic approach, @francesca_pasquali explores the relationship between the recycling of materials and their aesthetic redefinition. By transforming scraps of plastic and industrial materials into objects and large installations, the artist creates works that challenge perception and captivate the eye. She invites the viewer to rethink the beauty that can be found in the objects that surround us by drawing from the daily objects of everyday life. Thus, her monumental works and installations invade space and invite the viewer to participate by physically experiencing the vibrations inherent in matter.