Il Francesca Pasquali studio esprime il carattere della sua ricerca artistica: nasce quale atto di salvataggio e ristrutturazione di un vecchio fienile, architettura rurale di antica memoria, trasformata in uno studio funzionale e accogliente, attrezzato e personalissimo.
Situato alle porte di Bologna, nello studio di Francesca Pasquali la luce e la linfa della campagna entrano e il ciclo del giorno inonda i materiali plastici e industriali che l’artista quotidianamente rigenera e intreccia, assembla e compone in forme di organica memoria.
Le ampie finestre, i mattoni a vista, le moderne strutture, gli spazi vuoti da riempire con il fare e il disfare la materia, i libri, le sedute che si adattano al nostro stare.
Un fienile che diventa laboratorio. Un luogo di lavoro che è rifugio accogliente. La natura e l’artificio si incontrano, germinando nel verde, mentre le opere d’arte prendono forme, mutevoli come le stagioni.
The Francesca Pasquali studio expresses the character of her artistic research. The Studio born from “rescue action” and restoration of an old hayloft, a rural building of ancient memory, that has been transformed in a functional and comfortable artist’s studio, well equipped and characterised.
Near Bologna, in the studio the light and the energy of the countryside come inside and the cycle of the day “floods” the plastic and industrial materials that the artist everyday regenerates and interwines, assembles and composes in organic shapes.
The wide windows, the visible bricks, the modern structures, the empty spaces to fill with the materials, the books, the seats that adapting their selves to our body and needs.
A hayloft that becomes laboratory. A working area that is a comfortable shelter. Nature and artifice meet, growing in the green landscape, while the artworks become shapes that change according to the seasons.

Francesca Pasquali at work in her studio. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali at work in her studio. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, North Side, exterior view. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, South East Side, interior view-The Working Area. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. © Fabio Mantovani

Spiderwall, 2018, site specific installation. FPA Archive, interior. © Fabio Mantovani

Spiderwall, 2018, site specific installation. FPA Archive, interior. © Fabio Mantovani

Iceberg, 2015, ø 120 cm, mirror and straws. FPA Archive, interior. © Fabio Mantovani

Setole, 2018, site specific installation. FPA Archive, interior. © Fabio Mantovani

Setole, 2018, site specific installation. FPA Archive, interior. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, North East Side, exterior view. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, North Side, exterior view. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, North West Side, interior view-The Living Room. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. Francesca seats on her sculpture “Punto a capo”, 2009, poliuretano espanso nero su rete di nylon e gommapiuma / black polyurethane foam on nylon net and foam, diametro / diameter 150 cm. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, South West Side, interior view-The Working Area. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, North East Side, interior view-The Working Area. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, South East Side, interior view-The Living Room. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. Near to the pillar, Setole, 2015, setole di plastica blu, struttura in ferro / blue plastic broom britsles, iron structure, 80 x 30 x 30 cm.rete di nylon e gommapiuma / black polyurethane foam on nylon net and foam, diametro / diameter 150 cm. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, North East Side, interior view-The Working Area. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, North West Side, interior view-The Living Room. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, North East Side, interior view-The Working Area. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. © Fabio Mantovani

Francesca Pasquali Studio, North East Side, exterior view. Bologna, Italy / Team: Ciclostile Architettura, EN7 & Ing M. Marchesini. © Fabio Mantovani